09 October, 2016

The Sneaker Don

Ben Kapelushnik, known as The Sneaker Don, is 17 and he is in his junior year at Fort Lauderdale High School. Ben was home schooled through the fourth grade. Then he started attending a public school in the 5th grade. Ben is the most recognizable sneaker re-seller in a flourishing resale market, worth about 1.2 billion dollars. In 2016 Ben was trying to make 1 million in sales this year to stay on track so the people can buy his sneakers on sneakerdon.com. He also get’s to work alongside many celebrities. The reason I can connect to Ben Kapelshnik because my brother does something similar. Ben buys new shoes and resells them for a higher amount to make a profit. My brother takes old shoes and doctors them up then resells them for a profit. Do you think my brother could build a business like The Sneak Don?

Image result for the sneaker kid


  1. I loved your Post about Sneaker Don, Ben is clearly a good producer for the items that he sells. I have no doubt that your brother can do the same. I have heard of charities that take cloths that have been used and give them to people that cant afford normal cloths. Its really cool what your brother is doing and i hope he continues.

  2. I like really how you talked about Ben but can you just give us more of a background of his life instead of starting with how he was already successful. Your last sentence was good but you should maybe ask the reader if they could be the new sneaker Don.

  3. I like really how you talked about Ben but can you just give us more of a background of his life instead of starting with how he was already successful. Your last sentence was good but you should maybe ask the reader if they could be the new sneaker Don.


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