05 October, 2016

Bella Weems, The Teen Jewelry Designer

Entrepreneurs. People who invest in a business to make money. So, you might picture an entrepreneur as someone who is at least 25. But in this story, it’s not the case. Believe it or not, this blog is about a teen who was only 14, and created a successful, global business. Her name is Isabella “Bella” Weems, born in Chandler, Arizona. It all started when she needed money for a car and her parents told her to make it herself.
She babysat, but only came up with a little money, $350. She used that money to start a business which she called Origami Owl, a business which sold jewelry and lockets. To introduce her business and get it popular, she held parties at her house to invite friends and family so they could buy the lockets. The party-goers advertised and gave her positive feedback for the lockets, and soon, Bella set up a kiosk in the the mall with her mother.
The lockets got so crazily popular, and the Weems were getting calls from different states wanting to buy more. They launched a website and sold there. Now 20, she drives a white jeep (about 25,000 dollars) and makes hundreds of millions each year. Sounds like a good deal. Would you want to start your own business now?
Image result for bella weems car


  1. Great job! What do you plan to do to earn your first million?
    : )

  2. I like how you talked about how she grew over time. So it shows how with so little you can get so much more. On you question at the end i like it but i think you should maybe expand on it. Maybe say how she really didn't have much but she had her goal and sh sent herself out there to do what she wanted.


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