29 April, 2015

If I was sleeping in the big dot on our population density map!

After a long, four-hour drive through smog-filled highways, I finally find a parking space at the hotel. This hotel smells like smelly socks. I ask the concierge where the showers are, and he walks me to them. I find a ancient, dirty shower. I turn the knob on red, the water stays cold. After that pleasant experience, I walk to my room. There is no bed, no chair, or even privacy.  Instead, there a bookcase of little, capsule-like rooms.  I watch the neighboring hotel member slowly climb into her little cupboard room. Before I can argue, I find myself in this small bed, squeezed inside my own cupboard. The next morning, I wake up and continue my journey across China. Would this be an experience you would be interested in?

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