30 April, 2015

The Reality

You're getting pushed into a train in the crowded city of Tokyo at 5:30 in the morning. The man on your right smells like a cat threw up an egg, while the woman on your left gets her lipstick all over your new white shirt. The agony! You just want to yell out in desperation, but you can't. The people around you are experiencing the same pain as you, and aren't panicking like a child. How do they do it? How can they withstand such an unspeakably awful train ride? You're almost there, yet you don't know if you can make it. The same thoughts race through your head everyday. America, America, America. But you can't. America costs money, and you have a job, not a decent one, but a job, and that gets you by. Besides, your family is in Tokyo, your life is in Tokyo. If this isn't reality, then what is?


  1. Nice job Sal! I really enjoyed reading your blog! It gave me a sense of what the people are actually feeling while in the train. Our stories could go together because my story was about the feeling while getting in and out of the train and yours was about how they were feeling while in the train. They should make the transition to American easier and cheaper because a lot of people would die to go to America, but the just can’t afford it.

  2. Nice job Sal! I really enjoyed reading your blog! It gave me a sense of what the people are actually feeling while in the train. Our stories could go together because my story was about the feeling while getting in and out of the train and yours was about how they were feeling while in the train. They should make the transition to American easier and cheaper because a lot of people would die to go to America, but the just can’t afford it.

  3. Thanks for your feedback, Abby! I think it's a good idea to put our stories together! I agree that going to America should be easier, because so many people want to go there so badly. 🍦

    1. I don't actually know what those question marks are! lol

  4. Wow Sal! That was a very, very, very descriptive! I felt like I was there sitting next to a man who smells like a cat threw up an egg? How did you come up with that? Did that really happen to you? ‘Cause that would be gross.Your very descriptive words were what made this blog so amazing! Did you know that the fastest train speed is 268 (431 km/h) miles per hour miles per hour? You should check out caelin's post, it talks a lot about the speed of trains. I think that I might get a little train sick from going that fast! Do you think that you would be able to handle riding on that train at that speed?


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