29 April, 2015

Your Tokyo Trip Guide Line

Want to ever take a trip to Tokyo? Before you can answer this question take a second to listen to what I have to imply about your adventurous extraordinary trip! I'm not saying I hate Tokyo or anything I'm just saying life is very different from here to there and I don’t know if I would like that kind of change. For an example, it would be uncomfortable, cramped, jammed, and packed because you are literally being stuffed onto a train to get your destination. Hey, maybe you won’t go on a train while there but it’s most likely to happen since it’s an usual way of getting around over there. So say you get pushed in on accident and you're on your delightful little cute train ride and then you smell this putrid smell that tastes like rotten egg fart and you learn that it is, of course, the nasty repulsive dirty old smelly guy that you are squished up against who, by the way is sweating to put a cherry on top of it all and it feels so wet that you are now soaking in his disgusting homemade liquid that is coming out of his huge pores! Be prepare I say because yes, there are some good reasons to go but know that it is a different culture there with new costumes that might seem weird to us! Do you still wanna go?

1 comment:

  1. First I just want to say your post is awesome and weird at the same time. I would probably die if some sweaty guy was squashed by me on a train(never visiting Tokyo just to be safe). But I found something else I also thought you would like to know. I found out that its hard to shop because their are so many people that its so crowded,(I love shopping so that would be horrible). Oh and also you should read Abby Bradley’s post it is awesome. Once you start reading it you just can’t stop. Also you guy have similar post.


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