29 April, 2015

A day in a workers life

Imagine you finish a long ten hour shift at your job, eat a very dull dinner, and feel the comfort and warmth of your bed and fall asleep. *BEEP* *BEEP* hits your ears as you wake up, your alarm wakes you up at your regular time of 6:30 am, you need to start moving or you won’t make rush hour and the train will leave you behind! Luckily you get to the train and the assistants will “help you in”. The assistants force everyone into a very close ball, and push you into the door. You yearn for the day you can ride a bullet train, it sounds so nice and calming, yet so costly. In your day dreaming you hit the train stop and make way for your job. you sit at your desk when you're called for the daily meeting. The meeting proves nothing new, what you do right, what you do wrong, bla bla bla, you've practically memorised it by now. You finish your shift and move on to the train home, cook dinner and fall asleep in your bed. *BEEP* *BEEP*.

1 comment:

  1. That persons life is very cramped. I wonder why so many people do these types of jobs when they only earn 850 yen ($7.05) an hour on average! Why in the world would someone do a job like this? When they might make more money on another job, that might not involve being squashed aboard a train. A person living in Japan has a very difficult life with a job and being squished. I also typed a blog about the same topic, the job of a regular person.


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