16 October, 2017

Once upon a time...Pillows!

25 dollars for fun money? Well without deciding I will probably run out of the house and go shopping. I probably go to the movie theater to see what's on there but I'm gonna walk out wondering when the new Star Wars are coming out. I probably will check the snapchat, going through people's story and figure out some people are at the mall shopping and hanging out with friends, So I'll skip the mall. And I will cross the street and go to 5 below! 5 below sounds amazing to me so I will take good full an hour tour around the store and walk out without buying anything. I never find anything to use my money on in 5 below, but I love that place! Then I will go to Target and pick up double chocolate chip frappuccino because, you know, it's my all-time favorite. I will probably go through the one-dollar section in the front, go through makeup areas, food areas, movie areas, clothing areas, home decoration areas, and then the bed goods! I will find furry pink and white or grey pillows. One, I will probably hug it. I always check how it feels to hug that pillow because pillows are for hugging. I want very advanced quality hugging pillows. I'm sorry, I'm a little strict about buying pillows. And two, when I find the perfect one, I will run to the price checker and scan it, it will most likely say around $19.99 to $23.99. (Just based on my observations and experiences from the past as a professional Target pillow buyer.) And after checking the price, it's about the time where all that double chocolate chips are getting stuck in the straw. So I shake it out very hard to break those chocolate chips and after all those are broken down, the cup will probably be half squished. Then after that whole process is done, I will buy that pillow like a normal person, just normal. Except for that, I have 25 dollars of fun money, that makes me special. And one more thing, yup, I will remember I forgot to take a picture of my frappuccino and did not send out my streak picture. So then I will look at my empty half squished frap cup and throw it in the trash. Sending a streak photo of the random wall with flash, just trying to make the wall look a little bit cooler.What do you like to do with your fun money?

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