13 October, 2017

Pizza Showdown


                                                   Image result for pizza fighting 

                                IN THIS CORNER WE HAVE PIZZA HUT!                                       

Image result for glorious pizza
Cottage Inn after winning pizza showdown

"I just wanted a friendly competition but he was so weak..."
Continued on page 15.

Cottage Inn is definitely the best place for  pizza because it uses the best cheese and toppings available. It might not be the closest to my house but since when was getting good pizza ever easy? It has many different combinations to choose from like Hawaiian pizza and breadsticks. Or Bacon and Black olives and pretzel bread. Pizza Hut is good but I just find it to be a bit bland. That's all the reasons Cottage Inn is superb. Now what's your favorite pizza combination? 

1 comment:

  1. Nice post Xander, I feel like Marco's is better with all the options but Cottage Inn also seems good. I like how you added that they use the BEST cheese and toppings and it makes it sound good. Plus, I think it's nice how you also included other options on there other than pizza.


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