11 October, 2017

They Messed Up My Starbucks Order!

Look, I know we can all agree that the perfect combo would be Starbucks and books. Right? First, I would spend $20 dollars at Schuler's Books. Why? Because I love to read. I would buy the book Wonder for myself because it is very sad and inspirational and there is a movie coming out about it. I also know that there is a Starbucks at the Okemos location. I would get a S’mores Frappuccino. I would use $5 on that! The thing is, once, when I went to Starbucks, I asked for a venti skinny cappuccino latte with a extra shot and no foam and extra whip and they gave me A DOUBLE SHOT MOCHA LATTE! NEVER AGAIN PEOPLE. No offence, but who orders that? AND I STILL HAD TO PAY FOR IT. Just to end on a happy note, what drink would you get from Starbucks?
S'mores Frappuccino


  1. I also like the smore's frappe. Have you ever tried the vanilla bean, or java chip frappe? Those are my favorites. I love how they make the whipped cream in perfect circles. 4 years of practicing and I still can't get it right. Books and coffee sound like a day in heaven for me. if you haven't already try the java chip ( I dare you )

  2. Ohhh! I agree with EVERYTHING you said, Aadya! I will try the Java Chip!

  3. S'mores Frappuccino is my favorite too! I love the little pieces of Graham Cracker on the top it tastes especially yummy with the creaminess of the whip cream. Books are very hard for me to get into, but when I like the book then I can't put it down. Have you ever had the Caramel Frappucino because that one is good too if you love the s'mores one. If you haven't had it before I Dare You to try it!

  4. Thanks Siara! l like the caramel frappe also! Do you like the Midnight Mocha? Mmmmm! Sooo good!

  5. I have never had any of those. Are You speaking Spanish? French? Ohhhhhh...................... pig-Latin


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