10 October, 2017


Pizza is one of those foods that you can eat for hours and not feel full or sick of it, but sometimes if a pizza is made in a poor way then your stomach would say otherwise. Don't worry, I would never show you bad pizza places, I would only ever show you the best crusty crab pizza places. If you like pizzas with a variety of different toppings and cheeses, a great breading and crust, then you should go visit Cottage Inn. They have great workers that are always cheerful and always glad to serve you delicious pizza. And before you even ask, the size of the pizza is perfect to satisfy your crusty crab pizza needs. The pizza has the perfect amount of sauce, cheese, bread, pepperoni, and any topping of your choice (except chicken gizzards, newt eyeballs, bat feet, cow tails, frog legs, or... sponge-bob).
I hope you go and visit Cottage Inn and enjoy a nice, big slice of sunshine!


  1. I have never been to cottage Inn. But you make it sound like it is heaven, i really how i can eat a slice of sunshine.And it cottage Inn, would be shrek is love if you gave me a picture of the inside of cottage Inn so i know what i'm expecting from the heaven. I do have a question and my question is do Cottage Inn deliver.

  2. Hi Elise, I love how you said that you would never show us a bad pizza place. I also love how you mentioned how the cottage inn workers are so nice and happy, that was a great tough to your articular. I do like cottage inn but I have to disagree with you. I think that Blaze pizza place is the best.

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