09 October, 2017

Incredible Adventures of Blaze's Pizza

A good local pizza place is Blaze Pizza. It is good because you can customize a pizza with as many toppings as you want for $8.45. They have many kinds of different toppings. Some of the unusual toppings are salami, goat cheese, vegan cheese, artichokes, banana peppers and big chunks of mozzarella cheese. They also have unusual kinds of sauces to put as the base, dipping or on top. You can also get drinks, salad and dessert. Some drinks that look really good are the strawberry and mango frescas. The last great part about Blaze Pizza is that it’s cooked in a oven for just 3 minutes and the stone oven is 700 degrees fahrenheit! This is why I think Blaze Pizza is a good local pizza place! It's super good and truly takes you to the land of pizza!


  1. I like how you introduce this pizza place. It is really simplified but that still makes me want to go there. Your writing is really clear and neat. You described Blaze Pizza really detailed. Besides, at the end of your article, I like how you write as 'truly takes you to the land of pizza!'. It is way better than just saying ' You should try it'. Good Job Chloe!!

  2. I love this post because it is describing what the pizza is like and what topping that there are. Then you can visualize it more easily. I like how you also included drinks for something at the pizza place that you can get because I think that drinks are important when you eat pizza because the pizza might make you thirsty. I like how you looked into the pizza place, and really researched it. I shows when you wrote the temperature of the oven. Overall, this is a great post.

  3. The way you described this place makes me want to go a lot, I have seen it in downtown East Lansing but have never actually been. I think that I will make a mental note to go there. I also have a question, are they open on sundays cause that's when I usually go in that vicinity.


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