12 October, 2017

Just Try It Some Time! Pizza Places

Man! I'm so hungry and I'd love me some pizza right now, and especially some Little Caesar's !And if only I could drive, I would drive right up to Little Caesars, walk in, and order a hot and ready pepperoni pizza with crazy bread and a drink. I know most people either like Sir pizza, or Cottage Inn, or  Dominoes, or some other pizza place. but I think that you should try Little Caesar's sometime!  I dare you to go and get a Little caesar's pizza!

1 comment:

  1. I also Little Caesar's my favorite is the pepperoni hot and ready but the Crazy bread is really good I get it with extra cheese. And if i could drive I would be going to a lot more places than Little Caesar's. Over all I liked your post and the excitement in it.


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