15 October, 2017

The homeless people need you! Donate $25 today!

The Homeless people need you!Donate $25!

     Hello children! Have you ever complained to your mother that you deserve more money for all the chores you do around the house? Or been suspicious of what the government does with our money? Naturally most human beings will hose to be greedy and share the burden of guilt with the rest of society for their lust for money.Now,I will ask you this question, what if you won the lottery for $1,000,000,000?Most of us would look at that amount and think $$$$$ immediately.If I asked you what wanted to spend it on,the usual answers would be phone upgrades,Klarissa Bell’s  jersey,why are you talking to me?,dog food,Bark,bark,ruff(a duck,a stick,a Ferrari(Albus),Starbucks ,helicopter ,McDonald's ,Pramika you’re such a stalker, bee repellent,mansion,a new car,a clown wig,a zoo,and why do you care? All of them are very good answers(except for the last one,(geez people no need to hate) and very usual answers.What if I told half of that money you blew at a casino,one-fourth you spent eating junk at McDonald's,and the other one-fourth you donated to the secret society against “Little Rocket Man”, leaving you at a grand total of $25? What would you do with the leftover money? Save or Spend? Well, I actually would do neither. I would donate the money(and just because I went with the third option does NOT mean i’m a rebel and went to the dark side). Now next to  those billionaires who donate like 5 million dollars to charity every week,my $25 seems pathetic. You would be surprised some people barely make $25 every year. Donating even that little sum of money could save someone’s life and though that seems like the amount of money you make a bet with your with, it would 5 million dollars for them in money and kindness.Who knows they could become a become a billionaire and pay you back someday?Well,that's all the time we have today kids,remember sharing is caring!I challenge you to share with at least 10 people this month and if you accept this challenge post down in the comments below #challengeaccepted.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I did that just to make a comparison between the responses you get from different sums of money. Thanks

  3. Pramika that was an interesting post. I like your take on the question.The post was a little confusing at times ."Donating even that little sum could save someones life"said by Pramika , I really like that sentence it was really nice.I was wondering that if you spent all of your money there than how will you live??


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