11 October, 2017

CLICKBAIT What am I Gonna do With $25? CLICKBAIT

“Good job son on getting through the year with all A’s, have $25.” I have $25! The most money I’ve ever had that was actually mine. Where am I gonna go? I’m gonna drive 1 hour down to Dave and Busters, only the best place in the world! But I don’t know how to drive, so I gotta give my sister $20 worth of gas money so when I actually get there I have $5. So I end up being that one guy who just sits awkwardly on that chair in the back  watching everyone creepily. But the more I think about it I realize that’s literally just me everyday. Have you ever been to Dave and Busters? If so then what was your favorite game?Image result for 20 dollar bill


  1. Hey Vincent I think you could of added more *CLICKBAIT* into your title. Anyways, I agree that if you drove to Grand Rapids which is over an hour away you would use about half of your money on gas. Also don't forget about the "Wasting my time driving you over an hour away so you can go to an arcade fee". I also can totally Imagine you sitting on a chair in the corner watching other people play games. Also Thank You for breaking Blogger with the oversized image of a $20 dollar bill when you received $25 dollars.

    1. My Sister doesn't care about me, she just wants the money.

  2. Vincent I love your post it has so much clickbait and it's very funny but true that you would just be the creepy guy sitting in the corner. Also it was awesome how you broke the rules of Blogger with twenty dollars. Finally if you have this plan all mapped out to fail why even try it.

  3. This is so hilarious. It is especially hilarious from the picture blocking the screen and the GIF. You made this paragraph very good because you added the reality. Also I wonder why your sister would make you pay for gas money. In addition, I can relate to this whole paragraph. The tittle just grabbed my attention and is the first one I actually noticed. One thing just doesn't make cents, WHY IS THERE A $20 BILL WHEN YOU ARE SPENDING $25. Overall great paragraph.

  4. Thanks for breaking Blogger. My life will never be the same.

    1. Yes, my life is also a lie now.


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