11 October, 2017

McDonalds Scandal

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      Image result for mcdonalds gifs                                                   

        I really like McDonald's but it can do a lot to improve. Plastic has been found in their chicken nuggets and pictures of mold inside their ice cream machine have been seen.  EWWW Gross! I know right. Yet the franchise gets trillions of customers. Do you think this is fair? No!  If these scandals keep happening then eventually, McDonald's could go out of business. So McDonald's here are some things you can do to improve. First,  quality food is key. Restaurants are made so that people can eat good food, If your food is greasy and disgusting, people might just go to burger king instead. Also, you should make sure that you have kind, dedicated, and hardworking workers. If your workers are lazy and in a bad mood then everything will go downhill. Finally, make sure that the restaurant stays clean and sanitary.  When people walk in you want them to have a good impression, so clean tables and shiny floors will do that.  If you make sure to do these 3 things then your business could thrive.   Do you guys agree with these tips, or do you think that they should do other things to improve.


  1. I think it is pretty good, but something that you can probably change is the second person speaking, Instead if saying "No" or "EWWW Gross" you could say, "I'm pretty sure it's not fair and i bet you agree," and say "Isn't that gross?" Overall very good, great job.

  2. I agree I don't like mcdonalds what so ever the food taste just weird and its really greasy. But what website did you get the information about the food? Honestly it just suprises me that they put plastic in chicken. Maybe the webiste is a fake? But I do agree their food is not right but honestly I do not agree with that unless you have some real proof.


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