10 February, 2015

All Out Snow War!?

I have little story of when I was given amnesty for you, and you won’t guess what I did. On a late snowy night I was at an annual pow wow in Mount Pleasant Michigan with my cousins, and we get a little rough when we're around each other. We started playing outside like we usually do and seeing there was some of the best packing snow of the year, we start a full on snow fight. Now a couple of kids and preteens playing a snowball fight isn’t that bad when it literally is just the four of us, but like us, many other kids and teens got bored of the pow wow taking place. We started an all out war by making a red team and a blue team with over 30 people joining ( exactly 37 if I remember). By making two teams friends were separated causing in-fighting between teams to secret alliances going after each other for personal things that had happened in the past. I know this because very specific people were going after each other while our little four person snowball fight was turned into a grudge match. Someone caught us causing such trouble around the entrance to the pow wow and wouldn’t be punished if we came inside and apologized for causing a mess to our parents. Thats what my cousin Lars and I heard before running away to the secret battle spot at the back. In the end it wasn't completely amnesty but we were forgiven in the end so it all works out.

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