25 February, 2015

The Poor and Us

 A holy festival many Muslims and I celebrate is Eid al-fitr.This festival comes after Ramadan,after everyone has finished fasting.Fasting is when we don’t eat from sunrise to sundown.We do this because we want to feel,how the poor feel being hungry everyday.On the 29th or 30th day of Ramadan,a moon pops up to indicate that the next day is Eid.Eid is a holiday and Eid al-fitr is the festival.Typically,most Muslims during the month of Ramadan, wake up before sunrise and eat all they want.Most people gain the most weight during this month because they don’t know if they have eaten enough for the next day.Would you try fasting?

1 comment:

  1. Syed, I have heard of the Ramadan holiday, I have also heard they wake up at 5 a.m. in the morning to eat. One time when I was Lebanon, I went to the market to get some food and they were closed, I asked my dad why they were closed and he said because it’s Ramadan. He explained to me what Ramadan is, it was really weird during Ramadan, there was like no one on the streets, and I was in a city. How did feel like not eating from dusk to dawn during Ramadan?


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