26 February, 2015


Most of you eat chicken in your daily lives right? Well try to eat lamb gross right? The most common dish non-vegetarians eat are chicken and lamb. When we eat food we silverware such as forks, knives, and spoons, not in India they use their fingers or bread to eat. There are many types of breads that get served with certain meals such as, naan, a oven baked flatbread and batoora a fluffy flatbread that’s common in North India. I've never had Indian food or even thought about tasting some. As I learned these few things about North India it really makes me want to learn more new things. So do yo want to learn new things about your country?

1 comment:

  1. That's really interesting that people in India don't use forks, spoons, or knives! I didn't know that, I wonder how messy their fingers get? I have actually had naan before, it is delicious. I've also had this Indian dessert that was basically a little dough balls soaked in this sweet sauce, I think it's called Aggala. I've never heard of batoora before but, it sounds good. You should check out what Kyle N. posted about Indian food, he also talks about how most Indians don't eat meat. The new things I want to learn about the country of Sri Lanka is if they have ziplining there, I think they should because of all the beautiful scenery in Sri Lanka.


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