26 February, 2015

India, Home of Vindaloo!

I picked India’s food because it is a country I would want to learn more about. The first example for food is the butter chicken. I like chicken in general which makes me want to eat this up. I also like butter, (of course not by itself) so it would be interesting to see what it taste like smothering chicken. The second example is Lamb Kofta Curry. It’s lamb that’s in the shape of a meatball with chick peas. I probably would eat it because, I like lamb. I say probably because it has chick peas in it and I haven’t tried them. The third example is vindaloo. It’s a kind of like chicken chili but with different ingredients like cardamom seeds and fenugreek seeds. I would try butter chicken, lamb kofta curry, and vindaloo. Would you try this food?

1 comment:

  1. I would definitely try lamb kofta curry, butter chicken and vindaloo. I think that the they all sound like they would taste very good. The lamb kofta curry sounds the best to me because I like lamb, but I don't know what chick peas are. You should read Kyle's post, because he talked about the food of India in his post. Do you think that the lamb kofta curry sounds like it would taste good?


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