26 February, 2015

Bhutan Festivals

In Bhutan there are festivals that are held in each district of thunder dragon and other places.They have these festivals in honor of Guru Rinpoche cause he's the dude who introduced buddhism to Bhutan in the 8th century. I’m pretty sure they do a dance ritual but i don't know because i skipped over the part about the dance crap, it was kinda boring. I guess the Festivals are a big family and social occasion, but if you ask me i wouldn't go i kinda hate people, i guess people from Bhutan don't though. All the people from Bhutan try to visit the festival once in a lifetime, but honestly who would want to go more than once, i probably wouldn't even go the first time. They think standing around watching people dance is a blessing, but wouldn't your feet start hurting after a while. Having your feet hurt Isnt a blessing, Its more like a nightmare! Would you want to go to the festival(s)? Why or Why not?

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