25 February, 2015

India at its greatest

India is a highly diverse place, like their traditions, dishes, and holidays they celebrate. Let’s start off with the dishes. Here’s one thing I would definitely would like to try, it is named the idli, the idli is a heavy South Indian breakfast food. It is made by using a fermented batter of ground rice and lentils, stewed in little circular molds. That sounds good, I would like to eat that every morning. Well we are going to move from dishes to festivals, the festival we are talking about today is Bhai Dooj, it is a Hindu celebration. In Bhai Dooj, all the sisters in India wake up very early in the morning, they go to worship and pray to the gods and goddesses for better future and better health for their brothers. After that, they dine and exchange gifts and take blessings b touching the feet of the elders. From dishes, to festivals and now to the daily life of kids in India. A girls named Yashita Sharma posted about her life on the internet. It goes like this, the schools in India pretty much start at the same time as us, but instead of taking normal classes in the morning like english or social studies, they say their prayers and then do judo, karate and yoga. How exciting will that be, doing that every day. There day is the same as us, but they have to drench themselves with water to cool them down because it’s so hot. Indiana is a highly multicultural  place, how they celebrate their holidays, and the foods they eat. This in my opinion, so what do you think about India?

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