12 February, 2015

Crash into a big, fat, tree....

Although my cabin didn’t break any rules, we still had many whimsical (fun) times. One of my favorite parts of seventh grade camp was when we went skiing.  My whole cabin sort of separated, but me, Nikita Kale, Gurneelam Nijjer, and Rachel Kidder . We stayed together.  We kept falling, especially Nikita!  In the beginning, it wasn’t bad. We all stayed together and had some fun. Then, we went down hill! Rachel and Gurneelam went first, then Nikita told me to go. I started to move steadily (slowly) and then woosh! I zoomed (slid, went) down the hill and my skis got stuck in between two trees! That might’ve happened to many people, but for the people it didn’t happen to, it hurt!  I started laughing and yelling MAN DOWN!! Some counselors came and got me back up. Other than that, I loved gaga ball! I just remember having a blast when I went to camp! What was your favorite activity?

1 comment:

  1. I loved skiing! True, our cabin skiing trip was sort of a disaster. Half the time we were all on our backs. But it was so funny! When I tried to put on a pair of skis, I kicked my ski to get the button to pop on, but ended up kicking the ski halfway across the field, and landing flat on my back. Also, the small hill on the blue trail, was very hard to get by on. I slid halfway down twice trying to get back up. What skiing fiasco did your cabin experience?


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