26 February, 2015

Gandhi's Birthday Day

In India they only celebrate 3 holidays officially, Independence Day, Republic Day and Gandhi's Birthday are yes Birthday in Gandhi’s birthday*.  The holiday that jumped out to me was Gandhi’s Birthday, to me, having a holiday dedicated to celebrating my birthday would be pretty amazing.  The day is celebrated on the 2nd of october* and commonly know in the in United Nations as National Non-Violence Day.  In some ways Gandhi was very similar to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr..  They both stood against racism and Martin Luther King even nominated Gandhi for the Nobel Peace Prise.  Gandhi was also the president of South Africa, an anti-apartheid and a major philanthropist to many pro-peace organisations.  On the holiday people attend prayer services, watched movies about the leader and attended commemorative ceremonies all over India.  Many children leave school early in order to give there* thanks to Gandhi properly.   Do you know of any other holidays celebrating a national leader’s birthday?gandhi holiday celebration.jpg

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