25 February, 2015

Spicy Hot, Hot, Hot!!!! :P

When I think of Indian food I think of spicy. I think of foods so spicy that you breath fire. I’m talking ghost pepper spicy. If you haven’t had a ghost pepper or ghost pepper sauce then you don’t know the definition of spicy. The ghost pepper (Bhut jolokia) is India’s hottest non-hybrid pepper. It is about 2000 times hotter than Tabasco sauce. There are many types of peppers and sauces. The Scoville scale is used to measure the amount of heat from a pepper. The ghost pepper rates at 1.6 million units, Tabasco is about 700, and Frank's Original is 450. I’ve had ghost pepper sauce before, but because of the intense heat, it makes you want to run around your house screaming for ten minutes. My question to you is, have you ever had ghost pepper sauce before? If so, what was it like for you?


  1. Parker!!! You’ve tried this sauce before? I’d be scared for my life, I’ll stick with hot sauce. I loved how you had so much detail and talked about the units. The Ghost Pepper must be pretty hot. When you try to sauce one is there only a certain amount you can have because it’s so spicy? Or do you try as much as you want to? Even though I really liked ours, I think you should check out Hamil’s he starts talking about Ghost Peppers towards the end in his.

  2. There was actually a warning on the bottle that said that if you have heart problems then you shouldn't have any. But if you do have any then only a few drops.


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