11 February, 2015

The snowball fight

On Thursday Primrose, the best cabin of all, was about to ride horses. Three of us (including me) were having a snowball fight. One of the instructors came out and saw us. He grabbed some freezing snow and told us to come to him. I thought I would get in trouble, but instead he yelled SNOWBALL FIGHT!!! In a few seconds snowballs were everywhere and people were getting hit. I had the perfect plan to get the teacher. I told someone to distract him and hid behind the tree. Once the boy entertained him I through the snowball right in the teacher's chest. Once I got him he wanted revenge. He started chasing me and got me in the back. Once he got me he told everyone to stop and go to the next activity. Have you ever done something you thought would get you in trouble but instead had more fun?

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