26 February, 2015

Afghanistan's famous foods and festivals

Afghanistan is a very interesting country that I would like to visit. One of these reasons why is because of their delicious looking foods! Specifically the Qabili Palau, which includes rice, any sort of meat, broth, lentils, raisins, and carrots. To me the raisin part doesn't sound too good, but they make it look very delicious in the picture! Another thing that might be interesting to do in Afghanistan would be their Nauroz festival. Nauroz is a the largest and best known festival in Afghanistan and celebrates New Year. At this event Buzkashi matches are held. People play music and dance. Farmers express their joy for the produce. Do you think Afghanistan would be a fun place to visit?


  1. Hey Bailee, that is an interesting dish it sounds a little bit weird with the raisins but it is always good to try something new. Furthermore, I would love to go to Afghanistan because like I said before I like going and trying new things like these. In a like manner, Mimi talked about crazy foods too but just her post is talking about India instead of Afghanistan. Still, both posts talk about crazy foods and that makes them connectable. Do you think Mimi's has crazy food too?

  2. Hello Bailee Qabili Palau sounds kind of strange because of the raisins, and that makes me think that they have more interesting foods in Afghanistan. The festival called Nauroz when they hold Buzkashi or goat dragging matches which is the national sport of afghanistan which used t have rules that said no whipping or purposely knocking other riders off their horses. Do you think Audra's festivals are pretty big too.


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