26 February, 2015


Foods are what bring people and their traditions together, and it is a wonderful thing to have. If you think about it, foods that we think are disgusting in other regions just might be what connects people there because it actually maybe be truly delicious! Indians have so many outstanding dishes that will just blow you away! There are so many bizarre but marvelous Indian foods, such as, Aloo Tikki(appetizer), Momos, Tandoori Chicken, and Chicken Jalfrezi. These are four classic yummy indian restaurant dishes that satisfy many of the people in India. You never know what you may like until you try it! I have learned that things that seem gross to us are mouthwatering everyday snacks to people across the globe! Tell me, what new foods will you like to try?


  1. Dear MiMi, your post is very cool I love Andrew Zimmerman I watch his show all the time. There are many bizarre foods in South Asia , one time he went to Afghanistan and ate goat eyeballs! Leo’s post talks about the crazy foods in India too ,may I recommend it. He said, they eat frog legs and red ants! Mimi why did you have the interest of food? What would you rather eat a goat eyeball or frog legs?


  2. Dear MiMi, your post is very cool I love Andrew Zimmerman I watch his show all the time. There are many bizarre foods in South Asia , one time he went to Afghanistan and ate goat eyeballs! Leo’s post talks about the crazy foods in India too ,may I recommend it. He said, they eat frog legs and red ants! Mimi why did you have the interest of food? What would you rather eat a goat eyeball or frog legs?


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