12 February, 2015

They’re Making us Confess?!

When I first heard about this blog topic I said, well my title. By now I’m now I’m pretty sure that we all know that each cabin hoarded(stored) and devoured(ate) a boatload of candy! So yes my cabin most definitely went candy crazy. Of course we were exhausted (tired) once we got to the cabin, but we still had some trouble getting to bed on time. Plus if there is a rule against getting glitter all over the bathroom floor we broke it. If anyone else saw our fangirling over Teo Halm there would be a rule for it. I must confess, theses rules that we broke made camp that much better. What rules did your cabin break?


  1. Just saying, but after devoured it should be ate.

  2. I think your suggested rule (about fangirling) is hilarious!


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