26 February, 2015

Nepal, a place I would like to visit someday.

Nepal is a place I would like to visit someday.  They have a lot of festivals in Nepal.  The two biggest festivals in Nepal are Dashain and Tihar.  Dashain is a festival celebrated by all of the Nepalese.  It is also the longest festival because it lasts for fifteen days.  The festival takes place in late September through early October.  The people of Nepal worship the goddess Durga.  Durga is believed to be the mother of the universe.  During Dashain, people celebrate with pujas.  Pujas are religious rituals that involve offerings and animal sacrifices.   The second biggest festival in Nepal is Tihar.  It takes place between October and November and last for five days.  The people of Nepal worship the goddess Laxmi who is the goddess of wealth.  They also worship crows, dogs, and cows.  I think it would be fun to visit Nepal in October or November to see all the festivities.  Do you think it would be fun to go to the festivals?


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    1. I liked the fact that your paragraph is strong, and makes me kind of want to go to Nepal someday to worship some dogs. No, I’m just kidding, but I would love to see what other activities they do at the Dashain festival. I also recommend Owen 's blog, called, “The Food From Nepal” because it shows you about the huge variety of delicacies in the beautiful country of Nepal. Well, what are you waiting for? Go read it!


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