26 February, 2015

Stop fasting and start eating!

Kuda Eid, also known as  Fithru Eid, marks the end of Ramadan, the religious Islamic month of fasting in Maldives.The celebration starts when the new moon is sighted. There is an announcement on t.v and a cannon goes off to inform everyone to start the celebration! Kuda Eid is a three day festival, the activities somewhat vary based on the island. On the louder islands you will see the Maldivian people dancing in parades, banging on drums, singing and shouting. On the quieter islands, there will be traditional Boduberu dancing and plenty of eating! A few things that all the islands have in common are that they give to the poor and needy and have big feasts with their family and neighbors! If you lived in Maldives, would you want to be on the quiet or loud island for Kuda Eid? I think that I would want to be on a louder island because it seems like more  fun and festivities!

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