26 February, 2015

India and It's Fantabulous, Amazing, Scrum-Didly-Umpshious FOOD!!!

I picked India as my country because I already know a little about it and it seems very interesting. I love food. As my friends know, I especially love bread. Apparently many people from India do too. Except their bread is called bhatura. Bhatura is a vegetarian bread made mainly from white flour, yogurt, oil, and yeast. Why should I visit India? I’ll tell you why. The Taj Mahal. The Taj Mahal is known as one of the seven wonders of the world.  Shah Jahan gave this house to his third wife as a present. It is also known as the biggest tourist attraction in India. Now after reading this, which South Asian country would you visit?

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  1. Hey Elise, I would like to visit Afghanistan because I think their country game, Buzkashi, would be interesting to play. Even though the people ride horses and try to grab the carcass of a headless lamb, it still sounds pretty fun. Anyways, you say that you like bread, well you should go and checkout Anna Nelson's post. She describes a lot of different kinds of breads that sound yummy and I bet you would think the same of them. ;)

  2. If I could go anywhere in South Asia, I'd go to India. It seems very interesting and because of the amusement park I mentioned in my blog. A lot of their food also seems interesting! I found out one of the words for bread in Hindi (a common language that Indians speak) is रोजी [roji]! Cool right? So if you go to India and want some bread, just say that! Up there^... I saw Anna Nelson's blog and she talked a lot about different kinds of bread! She also mentioned a really cool fact about bread. Her blog is called "food, yum, yum", and it's two blogs above yours (including your blog). I would also like to see the Taj Mahal. I've seen it in movies and it looked HUGE! I also love the shape. It looks a little bit like a Hershey kiss (the roof)! What's your favorite kind of bread?


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