12 February, 2015

Well, Well, You Got Caught At 7th Grade Camp....

Everybody knows they bent the rules just a tiny bit. I our cabin we could never go to bed exactly at the lights out time so we were in the bathroom playing with Hye-Jin’s MSU ball when Mrs. Sheufelt walks in… Darby (counselor) runs into the bathroom beserkley(frantically), and hisses(whispers) at us to stop because a teacher was in the cabin.  Mrs. Sheufelt walks into the bathroom and we all pretend to be pampering(getting ready) ourselves. Mrs. Sheufelt cautiously says “You girls need to get in bed lights out in 5 minutes” and then she shut the door quietly. After this experience I was the first one asleep from there on out... Have you ever been so embarrassed that your face burned, because when Mrs. Sheu came in that was the feeling I felt when I saw her?!

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