26 February, 2015

Milaad un Nabi... interesting name.

Milaad un Nabi is a sacred festival celebrated by Muslim countries and India as well, need more information? Well read on. The day is used to celebrate the prophet Muhammad and is usually celebrated on the third month of the Islamic calendar, though each calendar will have a different day.  The celebration of Prophet's birthday is believed to have its origins on the 8th century when it is believed the prophets birth house was converted into a house of prayer.Centuries ago, the day was celebrated with animal and possession sacrifices
during the day. Even though I did research to get you this short post, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t.

1 comment:

  1. Muhammad Ali is their prophet? That's some dream for him. Wow, he is getting old if he was born in the 8th century. Well, if if I wanted to do research I wouldn't have read this post. This is a well done post, but you might want to give a bit more info on what they do to celebrate his birthday. Also, was their calender much different from our's? Like the number of months and the name of the months. Other than that, I liked it.


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