26 February, 2015

The odd art of fire-walking...

Imagine that you're walking on fire. Hurts, doesn't it? Well, you would be astonished to hear that there is a festival that is a fire-walking ceremony. The event is known as the Thimithi festival, it is celebrated by those who are of the Hindu religion. The festival originated in Tamil Nadu, South India and is celebrated during the month of Aipasi, or in other words October and November according to the Gregorian Calendar. The purpose of  the Thimithi festival is to honor  Draupati Amman, a village deity to South Indians'. 

In Singapore, the ceremony starts with the priest leading a grand procession at ten PM. The priest leads everyone to a temple, then the priest proceeds to through a pit that contains burning wood with a karakattum (a sacred water-filled pot) on their head. Male devotees then follow him through the pit, intending to prove their faith. After that, the rest of the celebrations begin.

I find this whole ordeal very interesting. I would not like to participate because it involves walking on fire. The fact that this activity can hurt your feet, possibly burn you, and is super terrifying are reasons why I don't plan on fire-walking anytime soon.

What about you, would you fire-walk?

1 comment:

  1. Walking on fire MUST hurt I couldn’t imagine doing that for a festival. Training for that would be torture! I would NEVER fire walk for a fun festival. Why does anyone do that? The thought of it is freaky. Also 10:00 PM is late for a festival. Well I did some digging and I found that its 21 feet of burning coal that a couple walks across without showing pain to marry. Then they bathe there feed in goat's milk and turmeric.


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