27 February, 2015

Indian cuisines

Have you ever wanted to go around the world?  See what their culture is like?   Even try some new food?  Well if that is your dream then you should maybe go to India.  The country of India has a vast amount of food.  Most of the food that the people of India eat are mostly vegetables cuisines so people who love meat are out of luck.  Like the andhra predesh which is like a omelet but made with only vegetables and other things that aren't meat and is commonly eaten for breakfast just like an omelet.  There is also the bihar which is a wheat cake baked or grilled and is commonly eaten for lunch or dinner.  As you can tell the people of India have a very diverse selection of cuisines to eat for lunch, dinner, and breakfast and I could of listed a lot more meals they eat for each category


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  3. Have you ever had unique Indian food that most Indians eat? I have had Indian food but I don't think it was native to India. You should also check out the post Spicy, Spicy, Spicy. They seem to talk about different foods and now i'm confused on how you and him make it sound like your talking about two totally different country. You should check this out and see if Indians eat both of these foods or one of you reached the wrong food. Also do you have relatives in India?

  4. Have you ever been to India? If you have then you must have ate some great food. Indian food are one of my favorite types of food. My favorite cuisine of Indian food are samosas. Some of my family has been to India and they said the food their is way different then the food from here. They said the food taste way more fresh and better than the Indian food from here. You should read Tyler Ozanichs post about Indian railways because you will even learn more about India. Would you like to go to India?


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