12 February, 2015

Rules are meant to be broken, right???

Well, my cabin didn't break every rule at camp.. But there were definitely a few. For example, the fact they expected us not to bring candy is absurd (ridiculous)! Clearly if you put a ton of lunatic (crazy) kids in a cabin with a all of their friends and no electronics, they’re going to need some type of sugar to keep them going every once and a while. Also, lights out at 10:30?!? Is that even possible when your cabin group is so lighthearted (amusing)? We all had so much to say and talk about that it feels like we stayed up all night talking. Whenever someone came by to check and see if we were sleeping, we would usually all pretend to sleep and be really quiet until we were sure they were far enough away. Doing that reminded me of when I was younger and my friend’s and I would have sleepovers. Anytime the parents came to check on us we’d all pretend to sleep so we didn’t have to be told that we needed to start settling down. If there are any rules that you would change, what would they be and why? What if you could add rules?

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