26 February, 2015


Nupal is a smaller country in South Asia. They have many foods in Nepal but the most cooked and eaten meal there is, dal bhat. Dal bhat is a steamed rice and a cooked lentil soup called dal. Some people add small bits of highly spicy condiments, such as pickles. This one meal is eaten 1-2 times a day by each person. To me that seems like a pretty boring meal, and must get old after a while, by eating the same thing over and over. Even though I don’t live in Nepal I wouldn't like this, but to them thats all their used to. Do you think this would be good? Why or why not?


  1. Great post, I couldn't imagine eating the same meal almost twice a day everyday. All these different ethnic food are so interesting and different from what some of us are used to. I read that in Nepal most people here are Hindus and that they believe that cows are a sacred animal, so beef if not a common food they eat. To know more about the country who wrote about I would suggest going to Mark’s post. He wrote about Nepal too, but mainly culture not food. Everyone’s culture and ways of life makes us all different and special in our own ways.

  2. Great post Clohe. That dal sounds like it must taste pretty good because it totally looks and sounds awesome. It would probably taste good with some naan (if you know what that is). By the way, this seems like a pretty popular dish. If you click over to Sebastian’s post, you’ll see he wrote about dal too! Man could I use some of that right now. It’s 9:30 and I’m super hungry! Well, I’m off to find myself some food! Later!


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