11 February, 2015

Mama Thugs!

Cabin Hood! What can I say, but we basically broke every rule set. Going to sleep at lights out, pffff. Even if the counselors weren't doing our group talking circle during late night cabin time it was still a quandary(difficult to do)on how to get Savera to be quiet then, so we could sleep. I'm surprised that a teacher didn’t apprehend(take) one or both of our counselors to punish them. We also took cookies back to cabin, had candy, and have cocoa in the cabin yet in the styrofoam cups. Also we had a snow fight but only on Lirit’s implementation(one's doing), because she grabbed a huge block of snow, walked with it for a few minutes, then attacked, starting a mini snow fight since we were so close to our cabin. Still our counselor didn't really care since we were safe, than again they are Mama Thugs(name credited to: Taya) so what else would they do. My question to you is, what nicknames did you give to your Counselors?

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