11 February, 2015

Lights out and Candy gets everyone

After reading some of blogs about other cabin groups I realized that my cabin was pretty decorous. (well behaved) The rules we contravene
(broke or went against) were curfew and no candy. Before we went to bed our counselors would talk to us about high school and their lives. Elizabeth and Carina were our lookouts, if they heard a sound or saw someone outside they would tell us, we would be quiet for about 5 minutes and then continue our conversations. I thought we were being very contumacious (rebellious) after the first night, but the next morning, I heard millions of stories about going to bed late… lol. Our counselors gave us two pieces of candy or chocolate after dinner which I think is the best rule to ever break because candy is amazing! Also two girls in our cabin, I’m not naming name, *cough Anna and Rachel cough*, might have snuck a few goldfish crackers and candy into their suitcases.  (;  Okay, so my ‘real story of camp’ wasn't all that interesting, so I’m going to tell you about something that one of my relatives did when they were at 6th grade camp.  *Clears throat* It was the second night of camp, 19somethingsomething, the day had gone great until one of the cool girls in my relatives group wanted to sneak over to the boys cabin. (aka the forbidden and stinky part) My relative in an attempt to be cool decided it would be a good idea to go with the other chick. (it wasn't) Well their plan didn't work out because they got in trouble and were thrown into the hoosegow. Just kidding about the hoosegow… Would go to camp at Spring Hill again?

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