11 February, 2015

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Okay, so my cabin might have broken a few (i.e. most) of the rules, but didn't everyone?! 

For example, in my cabin some of us would stay up until around 12:30 conversing (talking) and laughing. Whenever a teacher came in to check up on us, we would all get in bed as fast as we could and pretend to be asleep. There were even a few times where we were peeking out the window to see if we could spot any teachers that were checking cabins. 

We definitely broke the ‘no candy’ rule too...In fact our counselors brought around ten Ziploc bags full of a variety (different) of candy ranging from chocolate to Sour Patch Kids. 

We also had snowball fights when teachers weren't monitoring (watching) us, and we almost broke the window shades in the bathroom because we were playing volleyball in there. 

Our counselors were super cool about us breaking all of these rules though, which is probably why we were all able to have such an exciting camp experience. 
Now let me ask you, do you think breaking rules made your time at camp more enjoyable?

1 comment:

  1. Great job with the writing! (You forgot the link though...oops!)


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