26 February, 2015

Do you want to go to India now?

I am writing/typing about India because everyone else is.. India celebrates multiple religious holidays including but not limited to: Holi, Diwali, and Shivratri. Holi is the festival of color or colour as they spell it there. Diwali is the festival of lights. Shivratri is the celebration of the god of destruction,Shiva. Personally, I have been to India and you have to be VERY cautious. First, you have to take a malaria pill for three months before and after the trip. Second, you have to bring milk from home unless you want to buy milk, boil it, take some water , boil that, freeze the water, and put it in your milk so it cools down. Finally, the plane ride is a whole EIGHTEEN hours there and TWENTY back! Do you want to go to India now that you have heard the hardships?


  1. Honestly I would never want to go to India because of how long it takes. I suggest that you read about the other festivals in India. One reason is because there are lots of other festivals that are more interesting like Diwali. Also there is Holi which has colors thrown around. Why didn't write about that one. Or mabue Pongal which is a four day celebration where they decorate cows and do prayers. All in all nice job!

  2. After I read your story thingy, now I don't want to go to India. Actually,I didn't want to go before either because I think there are a lot of diseases there. I would not want to take pills for three months straight. I hate long plane rides so that is another reason I don’t want to go. The milk thing sounds very complicated so I wouldn’t go. I think you should look at what food they eat in that country, so go to Jackie’s blog.


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