11 February, 2015

Rules? What Rules......

My cabin group AKA The Princess Puffs, loves candy and snow! During downtime in our cabin we would play card games and we would eat candy, yeah that’s right candy, we are rebels. Our counselors were amazing to bring us candy even though the rules state not to.  And as for the snow ball fights, heh that’s another story. My friend Emilia and I like to play around with each other a lot so before we got onto the bus one day I picked up a snowball and chucked it at her when we got on the bus, well the snow ball didn’t break when it hit the ground so she picked it up and did the same to me. We loved to have snow ball fights at camp when we were walking to and from different activities. One time on the way back from an activity we were walking back from an activity and I was exhausted (very tired) and believe it or not my friend shoved me into a huge snow pile as we were walking by it, which was precarious (dangerous) but whatever! But I didn’t care we both ended up laughing, it was hilarious (very funny)! The Princess Puffs are totally awesome rule breakers/ rebels. There are a lot more things that us rebels did at camp but that’s another story….

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