26 February, 2015

All Spice Very Enjoyable??!

Indians have many very cool characteristics about the country. I chose India because There is a very cool article that states that 75% of Indian food is spice and vegetables and fruit. Many chiefs, scientists, and me think that this is very very true. One thing that I think is cool about India is how many things they do for fun there. They sing, dance, watch special movies, and do puppetry. In villages, puppetry is quite popular. Music in India consists of folk, popular, pop and classical. In classical, you have the Hindustani and Carnatic music. Folk songs are also very popular. Regular puppet shows are organized and people come to see them, particularly during the festivals. Speaking about festivals their three main  national holidays in India: Independence Day on August 15th , Mahatma Gandhi's birthday on October 2nd and Republic Day on January 26th . What do you like about India and its features??

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