26 February, 2015

food, yum, yum

Most of you have had/eat chicken right? Well, try lamb, yuck!!! Chicken and lamb are the most common main dishes for the people who are not non-vegetarians. Forks, spoons, and knives, that’s what we usually eat food with right? Most Indian food is eaten with your fingers, or bread which is used as your utensils. There are a lot of kind of breads that get served with meals, including naan, a leavened, oven-baked flatbread, and bhatoora, a fluffy flatbread common in North India, and eaten with chickpea curry. All this food talking makes me hungry! I have tried Indian food once, and I actually liked it! I don't remember what it was called though. Some of these breads sound weird, or maybe even gross to you, but trying something new is always good. Would you try any of these?

1 comment:

  1. Reading that makes me hungry too! Some of that food actually sounds good too. The fluffy flat bread seems really good to me right now. I don’t think I could eat lamb though, that’s just too adventurous for me. Would you eat the lamb? I was looking at some Indian dishes and this dish called Zarda sounds really good! It’s a sweetened rice and you can eat it with meat , but it’s normally a desert there! I suggest that you should look at Kyle Nyguen’s post because just like you he was talking about cuisines from India, so maybe you should check it out and see what he was writing about.


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