26 February, 2015

Sri Lankan sports

Did you know that sri lanka plays, cricket, football, and rugby? Made errors. Did you know that Sri Lanka plays cricket, football, and rugby? They play these sports because, they play for fun, competition, and for scholarships. Whoops, made another mistake. They play these sports because they play for fun, competition, and for scholarships. i want to visit sri lanka someday to have fun with some of my friends in Sri Lanka and make new friends. Oh my supercalifragilisticexpalidocious. I made another mistake. I want to visit Sri Lanka someday to have fun with some of my friends in Sri Lanka and make new friends. Lastly, I want to visit the capital of Sri Lanka because I want to meet the president and I want to see the building where the president lives and works.

Picture of the Link
Link is restricted by school


  1. Hey Yonseong, I really liked your post! I also found out that natives call Sri Lanka the Pearl Of The Indian Ocean. I also suggest you to read Audra’s post it has a little more info on Sri Lanka. She focuses on the food of Sri Lanka not necessarily the sports. I learned a lot about Sri Lanka from reading your post, I would like to go to Sri Lanka as a summer vacation also.

  2. Good one, Yunseong! A lot of mistakes, huh…? ;) I thought your post was very interesting, and definitely made me want to learn more about this topic. I wrote about some sports in Bangladesh, and it is super cool how similar some of these places incorporate mostly the same activities into their everyday lives! I suggest you read Katie P.’s writing about the Holi Fest. It may not be about sports but it can give you an idea on some other kinds of activities are done in different places!


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