12 October, 2017


   I think that the best local place to go for pizza is Domino's. It is the best place because there are so many options for toppings and there is no limit to how crazy or how plain they are, and no matter what the toppings are the pizza always tastes good. What makes it taste so good you ask? Well, the cheese and the sauce are the best part. The cheese is really gooey and delicious and the sauce adds a lot to the taste overall. I personally think that pretty affordable, they also have lots of coupons and deals that help a lot when you are paying.  All in all if you are looking for an affordable but still tasty pizza place then try Domino's. So, are going to try it? You better.


  1. I also love domino's pizza. I completely agree that the sauce and cheese are the BEST part. Whenever we go to dominos, the toppings that we get are pineapple and olives. I also love how they renovated all the dominos buildings because they look really nice. Whenever we go to dominos, the toppings that we get are pineapple and olives. What toppings do you get?

  2. I don't realy like dominoes. I think it is very dry. I think there marinara and cheese is good but they ether don't put enough or it dries out. I still eat there a lot because it is very convenient. It is also repetitively cheap. I prefer cottage inn. Have you ever had it?


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