12 October, 2017

Loving Pizza

The best place to go for pizza is Sir Pizza in old town. Sir Pizza makes the pizza perfect not to make cheese or sauce, and just the right amount of toppings. Some mite disagree and say that it is horribly. Well that is just your opinion, but I like it you can get anything on it. I also get it half off because my aunt owns it. Some might say that I am just saying that I like it because it is cheep, but I don't just like it because it is cheep. Every time I go to Sir Pizza I get ham, pepperoni, and pineapple, It is so good. I also get bread sticks that are always made perfect. Somme mite say that they would rather die then have it, but I don't care I like it and I recommend you have it.

Image result for sir pizza


  1. I also like sir pizza! It's amazing and the toppings are so good. I agree that some people would say you like it just because you get it cheap but I disagree. If the pizza is good then you have no problem.

  2. I never been to Sir pizza but it sounds like a really good pizza place. I usually go to Marco's pizza but I think that I will have to give Sir Pizza a try. You gave it a very good detail, very thoughtful through the whole paragraph. I like you picture you added.


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