22 October, 2017

Fun Money Fail

Fun Money

                        If I had 25 dollars spend I would  go to the mall and I would by a
                       large pineapple coconut orange smoothie. Then with the remaining money 
                       I would go to the pretzel place and buy a pepperoni pretzel or I would go watch a                                movie with my friends .I could  also save it for later but knowing me I would probably                        blow all the money in an hour.Or I would  spend all the money on chips and candy 
                    and then eat it all.What would you do with 25 dollars of fun money?????😃😃
                        Image result for money giphy


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I like how your title correlates with the writing, "you failed to save money" ha ha sounds like something I would do with my money.I have one question for you though,what mall would you spend your money at?


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