11 October, 2017

School Advice with Chuck

Do you need advice for school? Well don't ask Chuck for help...

School is tough, and this is why a girl asks Chuck for advice. But Chuck only answers all of the obvious things, like, "Do your homework", and, "Don't sleep in class". I think the girl wanted to be told something comforting, and not as obvious as what Chuck said. One thing she might have wanted to be told is "That's okay, we all go through stress and hardship, just try your very hardest and give it your all". This will make her feel a little better about what she is going through, and it will make her feel more confident. 

This is what I would have said, now what would you say?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Arohi. Nice job.I especially like the picture with snoopy telling you the qualities of a good friend.It really goes with the topic of this blog post.


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