09 October, 2017

Carnivore Heaven

Hey guys! My family asked me what my favorite restaurant is, after a couple days of thinking the answer I came to was Meat. There are about a million things that are good about it. For one their fries are the best thing to be on this Earth. Let me you they have the best sauces and they let you choose which one you can put on it, that is what makes it more magical than other places. Also it's very family friendly stationed in old town Lansing. Unfortunately there are a few flaws.  The one thing that sucks about it is that it's very small, but very popular so there are always very long waits upwards of an hour to an hour and forty-five minutes. Of course to fix this flaw they should buy a new place with more space to accommodate more customers. Other than that Meat is the place to go for the best BBQ  you've ever had. That's my favorite place, What's yours?

Image result for meat the restaurant fries


  1. I agree, I LOVE MEAT!!! It is by FAR one of my favorite places to go to eat. I agree with the loving of the sauces too. I also liked how you put "the best thing to be on this earth" 1) because I agree with that and 2) because I liked that you didn't just say "the best" you made it more of a hyperbole. I thought that was really cool. Nice writing!

  2. I've never heard of Meat but I want to go there because it sounds so good. I'll have to try it. But I have to say the best restaurant is Charlie Kane's. They have the best food ever.

  3. I agree! They have many good burgers and ribs. I like how you said "best food on Earth" and "best sauces."Instead of saying just the word "best,"you made it more enthusiastic way. Nice job!


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